Senate Candidate Marsha Blackburn Says Voters Care More About Results Than ‘The Story Of Their Day’

by Nick Givas


Tennessee Republican Senate candidate Rep. Marsha Blackburn said voters are more concerned with long-term solutions and judicial appointments than with flavor-of-the-moment news stories.

She was responding to a question about singer Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Blackburn’s Democratic opponent on “Fox & Friends” Wednesday and how it will impact voters.

“What we know is that Tennesseans care about the story of their life — not the story of their day, and really what they are focusing on is our positive message,” Blackburn said. “It is getting through, and that is what is going to carry people to the polls.”

Swift came out with an Instagram post Oct. 7 endorsing Democrat Phil Bredesen over Blackburn, citing concerns over LGBT rights and racism.

Blackburn said her platform of installing solid constitutional judges and limiting government regulation will win her the election and claimed Bredesen has a cloud of sexual harassment scandals hanging over his past cabinet.

“They like this message of less regulation, economic growth. Good constitutional judges,” Blackburn continued. “And they’re remembering and finding out some of the things about Phil Bredesen — The sexual harassment scandals that plagued his administration with some of his cabinet. He had two tracks. One for friends of Phil, the other for everybody else.”

“Our message is getting through,” she added. “I was out in west Tennessee yesterday, and we just had great crowds — great response. I was in Jackson for a get-out-the-vote rally last night, and people are showing up. They want to make certain we have a conservative in the U.S. Senate.”

Blackburn also said Democrats have told her they are willing to support her candidacy because of the controversy surrounding the confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh and her push to appoint constitutional judges.

“I talk to some of those who identify themselves as Trump Democrats, and what I find is that they are going to show up and they’re voting for me. And the reason why is because they do like having those constitutional judges,” she concluded. “They are so pleased that we have Justice Kavanaugh on the bench now. That matters. They want to keep the Trump tax cuts.”

Watch the segment:


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Nick Givas is a reporter for the Daily Caller News Foundation.  You can Follow Nick on Twitter








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